Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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Whether you are a business or a photographer wanting to collab, please don't hesitate in sending me an email or DM on my Instagram.


  1. Hi Christie,

    I love your blog and find it so inspiring and soothing to look at, always excited to see a new post! I just wanted to ask if you ever choose your products keeping animal testing in mind? Because of the great things you have written about Kiehl's skincare I was going to buy some of their products-- then I found out that they test on animals. You just seem like a thoughtful person who wouldn't support companies that aren't socially conscious!

    1. Hi dear! First of all thank you so much for all your support :-) do they really?? Wow, I am seriously shocked and I guess it just never came to mind because they are such a natural and positive brand? But I will definitely, definitely research this and keep it in mind for sure. Thank you so much!

    2. Kiehls quality has suffered since they were acquired by L'Oréal! Check out K-Beauty brands like EVENPRIME and MANYO FACTORY.

  2. Hi there!!!
    I am a beginner blogger and I am wanting to give my blog a facelift...
    Could you please tell me how you get your posts to populate into specific topics?
    Thank you for your time. xoxo

    1. Hi! So when you are writing/editing the posts, make a tag in the tag section (which is to the right of where you actually type up the blogposts). Then, on your theme, make a links section or even tags section and make sure the link is: (tag is whatever the name of your tag is)

  3. Hi. Beautiful blog. With what do you take your photos? And what software/app do you use to edit them? Thanks <3

    1. I take my photos either with my iPhone 6 or Nikon D5500! I use Vsco Cam and After Light! x

  4. Hellloooo. I love love love how you edit your photos. I have both VSCO and AfterLight, along with CameraBag, and I was wondering how you edit your pictures? I am looking to try some new styles with my photography and I love your vintage vibe...thanks!

  5. Hi (: I love your tumblr, blog and youtube videos ! I was just wondering if you have a depop account ? Hope you're having a good day xx

    1. Thank you so much! No I don't unfortunately. Thanks for all your love, have a great day : )

  6. i love your blog and am wondering if you have advice on how to start a blog similar in content to yours? thanks so much! love your looks xx

    1. Thank you! Honestly I would focus on what sort of content makes you happy, because it is important to do it different in a way so you will stand out :) but I like to stick to a certain color scheme and sort of theme to my photos. I'm not really sure what advice I would give but I just think overall, no matter what type of blog you have, that you stick to a certain theme/vibe and build off of that!

  7. Hi Christie,
    I sent you an email for collaboration.
    Please check it out!


  8. strictly word of mouth...
    someone asked me to let you know. transportation provided
