Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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holiday outfits

Hi guys! I wanted to put some looks together inspired by this festive season. I wanted to help out in case you were struggling with what to wear to that awkward family party, a casual night, or crazy formal dinner. I was really inspired by simplicity, delicate fabrics, and an overall sort of trendy, menswear style! Really hope you like!

formal dinner party
a nice family dinner
a friends house

I really hope you liked these! If you want to know details, you can go to my Polyvore linked here. And, as always, tell me what your favorite look was or what you plan on wearing this holiday! I would love to know. I really want to do a winter lookbook soon, but it might have to wait after all my school craziness dies down. Thank you guys for always supporting me and sticking with me! X



  1. I love these outfits, the cami for the family dinner is gorgeous and the friends house and travelling outfits look super cosy! Perfect for winter walks too!

  2. these are absolutely perfect! the traveling one is exactly the inspiration I needed - thank you lovely! x
