Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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lazy life

Hi beauties, and happy Sunday! It was a really, really nice day. First of all the weather wasn't too shabby (I think it's going to warm up) and I started my day off by going out to breakfast with my best friend in which good news was shared (just minuscule things, but still). We sat outside and had coffee and it truly felt like a day to unwind and get my shit together at the same time. Yesterday I went on a late mall trip to get just a couple of things; I ended up picking up some beanies (beanies in the spring??? I don't know what's wrong with me) and that lovely (and favorite) mustard color and a gray one…then I also got that brown mini purse up there…and that's it I think! Both items from Forever 21.


I literally straight chilled the whole day. I got a lot of stuff done too, which was awesome. Just homework and all of that stuff! Overall, it was a really nice Sunday. I'm excited for this week. Some exciting things going on, nothing too crazy but thankfully I've found the inspiration I've been looking for (thanks, Alexa Chung) and I'm doing better with my mood and all that (compared to the last two weeks where my emotions were literally in a downward spiral) but it's all good now :') I hope you all had great great weekends, I'll see ya soon!


my vintage obsession

Today I took the day off from school for really no purpose at all but to spend some quality time finding myself again and destressing since I've been unbelievably busy and pretty moody. It was so, so worth it. I'm feeling good and can't wait to embrace this weekend with open arms.

As you guys might have realized, I am obsessed with vintage things. Vintage clothes, vintage records, vintage cameras…I love it all. So you could understand my excitement when my mom and I stumbled across a consignment shop for everything vintage; everything I just listed was at that place (sometimes even a variety). I would share the name but it's not a chain or anything like that, I wish it was. We went into the basement (so sketchy, I know) and in the gloom of it all the sudden a spotlight shone (I swear) on a beautiful, one-of-a-kind vintage typewriter. I've wanted one for so long, and I got so happy that there was literally the one I've been picturing in my head for a straight year in this weird vintage shop. I found an old camera as well with a brown case. Basically, today, I fell in love. So here are too many photos of this typewriter and me trying to take too many pictures.

My best friend and I also went for coffee, which was so amazing. Overall, it was the perfect day. Though I'm kind of bummed I don't have plans for the night, I think it's also good to stay home on Friday nights and have some time to yourself and go to bed super early. Perhaps I need it. Plus it gave me the time to edit this post and really make it cool :') I know the effects are a bit crazy but, since this is an especially vintage post, I felt as if they were necessary. 

Tomorrow I don't really know what's happening! I have no plans, which is good sometimes too. Thank you guys for being so supportive and lovely to me. I know I must sound like a broken record but I never want y'all to forget how much I appreciate you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be pursuing all of these passions of mine, and I truly wouldn't know myself like I do today. Okay, enough with the sap, I'm sorry. I hope you all had an extremely nice Friday and good close to your week. Have some tea, read a book, and enjoy life. ♡ Xoxo, Kiki

you & me

Hi hi hi!!! Another really good day up in here :') busy, but good. School, photographs (which I will talk more about), gym with a friend, dinner with another friend, tons of homework, editing. Those are literally my days in a nutshell. But I cannot complain!

So I came home today with a beautiful package on my bed, and I could already tell that it was way different from the usual packages I get. It was wrapped in my favorite brown paper and my mouth literally dropped after I opened it…just layers of lovely paper, pressed flowers, old photographs, ribbons, lace, and floral fabrics. The Love Parcel can be a wonderful perk to anyone’s day…and will honestly make you want to start scrapbooking. I am SO in love. Get yours here, and please don’t forget to check out their instagram :’) 

Definitely check them out!!!!! Seriously, I'm a HUGE fan. I'm on the phone with my friend right now so I'm going to go, but I was thinking about starting a Snapchat for my blog and just idk random things?! Let me know what you think!


falling in love in a greenhouse

Hi! I'm already losing track of the days…Happy Friday? This whole day was already so relaxing and fun and a perfect way to start off break. I woke up, made a nice breakfast, and then took a refreshing shower and got ready for the day (as expected). I went out with my friend again and we went to a couple of stores and then stopped by a really beautiful garden/greenhouse which you might have recognized from a post super long ago (in autumn sometime). I'm so excited for everything to really start getting green!

Inspired by all the green and flowers, I went to another store to buy some flowers. It was a very cloudy/rainy day today so I photographed some and just relaxed. 

Got this cutie terrarium at Anthropologie today!

I parted my hair to the side today just to try something different and I really like it! I might start wearing it like that more often. Let me know what you think!! My oversized flannel was thrifted, worn with Hunter boots, high socks, Scaramanga bag, and Urban bralette.

I went out to dinner with my parents and now I'm just chilling, my friend is sleeping over though so we can have a Frank bath tomorrow and go to a cafe :') Very exciting. I don't know what else I'm doing tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be receiving something so I can show you guys!!!! 

I hope you had a really nice day and an even better start to your weekend, woo!
