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hold your horses

Today was one of these days where my heart felt full. Between the rustic barns, the green grass, the mud scrunching (yes that's a word) between my rain boots, and the beautiful presence of the horses, I felt completely whole. Lately I've been getting a craving of just walking around by a barn in a long dress, with a horse by my side. Sounds way too sentimental and stupid, but this is truly how I feel. I can't believe I got the opportunity to do just that today.

 All these pieces are from Free People, courtesy of the babe @freepeopleparamus ♡ Thanks also to Amanda for taking these wonderful photos & to Kevin/George for letting me run around with the horsies for today ;-)

I can't tell you how beautiful these animals are guys. So peaceful, so loving, and even though they're intimidating as hell they completely mean well. I think I might be in love with them. Yupp guys, that's right, I fell in love with a horse.


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