Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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high waters

Hi hi :-) Today Amanda and I set out on a mini adventure in a forest and in a field to photograph for one of my favorite companies: Scaramanga (leather goods). Also not a stranger to y'all. It was beautifully warm, and the shadows in the forest were so natural and cast such a glow…long story short, I had a very cleansing, relaxing day. Though I felt sick for most of it, being out in nature truly works on the soul. I think it's quite therapeutic to lay amongst the trees or in grass and just breathe.

sorry for under-boobage and rolls 

Outfit details: Zara sweater. Urban Outfitters distressed shorts. Rando brown leather belt. Grey City shoes. LA with love bralette. Free People hat.

This backpack has become my life since I received it in the mail. Seriously, I transferred all my essentials into it and haven't looked back. I've always wanted a mini little backpack to just take around for adventures/city trips/traveling, and this is the perfect one. It's apart of their new line too, and everything is genuine leather and such quality that it'll never break on you (seriously-never). I'm so, so happy about this little guy! I'll even be taking him to the city tomorrow.

Get yours here! Also you can find their site here, and Instagram here :-)

Hope you enjoyed the photos from today lovers! Tomorrow I'm going to the city with my best friend to celebrate her (belated) birthday so I'll be having tons of pictures up. Much love!!


1 comment

  1. Ahhh yes they sent me the black boho mini backpack too! I LOVE IT
