Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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a brandy melville halloween

Hey babes! Today was a lovely and different sort of Sunday. Instead of drowning myself in homework and crying about school, I decided to shove it under my bed (literally) and go do a photoshoot for Brandy Melville with the lovely Diana & some other lovely old (and new) friends. And the most amazing part is it was Halloween-themed. I swear this month is the month where I am in my most natural habitat. Fall leaves, sweaters, cute little costumes, cuddling up to movies. Okay, enough with my babbling, especially about autumn. You all know this enough. Here are the pictures!

I ate too much candy and did not know how a devil posed at all but hey it was still so fun. Being out on the fire escape, decorating the Brandy apartment, and just having fun with some cuties. Thanks so much to Brandy Melville & the lovely Diana!!!!! I had such a wonderful Sunday. This week is going to be a good one too! Let me know what everyone's plans are.


alabama arkansas, i do love my ma & pa

Hi boos! So, as some of you might have seen/figured out, I went back to NJ (my home) with my boyfriend Adam this weekend for a little catch up, some fall activity, and just the sweetness that going back to the homeland can bring. We left around 4pm on Friday, boarding the train from Penn Station to my town and eating Kit-Kats while trying to shut up in between laughter on the quiet car we forced ourselves on.

And, of course, going back to the good 'ol room was amazing. I missed my bed, I missed candles, I missed the string lights and records. You don't realize how much your heart aches for these simple things until you step right back onto those scratched wooden floors and into the rough flannel sheets that take you back to a time where you didn't really know where you'd end up. Now that I'm here it's unbelievable to think that once I was in that very bed, crying over college applications, scared shitless for the future, and slowly but surely falling in love via texting with the man that I am with now. 

On Friday night we went out with my parents to a beautiful Italian restaurant (you don't understand how nice it is to have a full Italian meal sometimes) and then stayed in for the night because we were tired and I wanted to reunite with my bed as soon as possible. On Saturday we ran errands (I also went shopping at the Free People at home) and went to the a farm to do the autumn activities I haven't gotten the chance to do....let alone see a orange, red, and yellow tree (thanks NYC).

 Items bought all from Free People: Compass beanie, choker necklace, white v-neck bell sleeve blouse, patterned skinny scarf, grey wrap sweater

 Beautiful house that was on our way to our walk to the farm.

What I wore: Zara sweater, Brandy Melville army jacket, Urban Outfitters jean skirt, H&M socks and shoes :-) Scaramanga bag that Adam actually carried for most of these pics because he is a bae

Also thanks to you boo for taking these pictures for me :-) Love you so much

Adam and I got dinner with my whole family yet again (Japanese this time) and then we went to a broken down bar that my dad urged us to go to but ended up being a place where tumbleweeds roamed and dad's playing guitars came in multiples. Seriously, though we were so out of place, it ended up being one of the funniest experiences of our relationship yet. And trust me, we have a lot.

On Sunday we got breakfast then went to the farm again with my little brother to go on the hayride since he was all about throwing corn at me and playing hide-and-seek in the maze (not sketchy at all). 

This weekend was truly perfect. Adam and I took the train back Sunday around dinner and it was a real snap into reality. Not that I was dreading going back to the city, I truly love it here, but it's just that nothing will compare to home and family. Now it's back to school and work and trying to make it through until the next weekend. I am so lucky to have these memories and photos with me to remind me of this beautiful weekend with the people that I loved the most. It's said that home is where the heart is, and after visiting New Jersey again, I truly think that the person who said that had the right idea.


a close to perfect weekend in nyc

BABES! I'm alive! Which you know if you've been following my Tumblr and Instagram and all that...but I will admit...I've been literally dead on here. But it is truly for a good reason. I know you guys are so sweet and I didn't realize you actually liked when I updated on here; I didn't think people actually paid attention to it that much. But, life has been crazy for the past 2 months, and there are changes in my life that you guys might not really know about. Here is a list of things that has happened since I updated here 7 weeks ago:

  • I got a job at Free People 5th avenue as a stylist, and I will be working for their social media very soon as well which I am so freaking excited about.
  • I have a boyfriend...I know...I cannot believe it either. His name is Adam, he's older than me (he's a working man), and he's the sweetest and I am in love. I won't be sharing our relationship too much, but of course he is a huge part of my life now, so you guys will definitely be seeing him a lot in my photos. 
  • Sort of lame, but just in case you guys don't know, I am in school (college in NYC) and I've been slaying away at that (not actually slaying in a good way, slaying as in I feel like I am a prisoner to school)
  • I've been working on some things and some amazing opportunities. I did a little Brandy shoot which was so cool and I'm trying to work on getting myself more involved with other things :-)
So nothing too crazy, but definitely some things you guys should know. I'll do a little conclusion message that I would love all of you to read if you can. And now...for 50 photos of this weekend. 

On Friday I had off from work, which never usually happens, so I took complete advantage and hung out with the one and only, Hannah Lee Davis, a photographer, an absolutely amazing best friend, a wonderfully inspiring soul, and a visitor from Philly. Naturally, we decided to cross off many places off of our bucket list's. First stop, The Fat Radish. 

We did make a reservation, just because I did not want anything stopping us from going here, but something did not go to plan; they did not serve brunch on Fridays and we were craving eggs, pancakes, the ultimate breakfast. So...we did have some coffee (French Press-amazing experience) and OJ, and decided to go to a place that was serving brunch at 12pm...Freeman's.

You know the classic alleyway picture of this restaurant's exterior; the hanging lights, the baby blue door, the cracked street and plants. This place is literally in an alleyway in which Google maps will not help you find. You need to turn down a little random street (which is across from a plant shop-you'll see my photos) and once you see the alleyway that is graffiti'd and full of puddles you can't miss it. It's unbelievably charming and even more beautiful on the inside. My pictures don't serve it justice; I truly fell in love with the interior of this place. Ask Hannah, she'll tell you all about my heart eyes.

Hannah got unbelievably delicious granola with yogurt and fruit, while I got the savory meal of scrambled eggs, sausage, and home fries. We shared and chit-chatted about life and admired the beautiful decor that is Freeman's. If you guys go for breakfast, get the granola. You really won't regret it. 

After breakfast, we went across the way to the adorable plant/vintage shop called The Green Fingers Market. Soooooo cute. Sort of expensive. But really cool.

After browsing around and not buying a hat that was $100 (we're struggling students remember) we took the train to Greenwich Village to walk around, take some more photos, and explore.

 Alright, so full outfit I wore for this extravaganza (denim on denim): Brandy Melville denim shirt, Levi's, Free People vegan tote + brown boots, Nomadic Store beautiful rope choker, and rounded Ray Bans.

More exploring that I can't really explain...

We browsed in Three Lives Book Store and then stumbled across a Saturdays location which I've never been to. It's less coffee-shopish and more actual surf shop, but there are still those little window ledges that you can sit and talk on. Hannah and I were so exhausted from walking we got some tea and rehashed our plans/adventures.

We walked around a bit more but then it started down pouring and so we took the subway back and decided to part for the day </3 I had to meet up with bae for dinner anyways and a little night out with him. In the morning we went to The Standard cause he knows that I'm obsessed and it's my absolute favorite place to go for breakfast. We got some coffee at the bar and then moved outside to eat waffles and eggs.

He's going to kill me for posting this but he had to wear my sunglasses because they literally put us (more him since my back was facing the sun) directly into the morning sunshine. I thought he looked adorable and like a little hipster bae. Love you don't kill me.

After our breakfast we went shopping and walked around the meat packing district. He did buy me flowers which I absolutely loved (from Flower Girl NYC) in the Gansevoort Market. I bought some men's shoes from H&M and some scarves, tights, little things like that. I'm going to end these photos featuring these shoes and my lovely little flowers. 50th photo, here we are:

Now today, Sunday, I'm working on homework and laundry and all that. Hannah and I went into Brooklyn last night and we were out late so I might take a nap as well. We got breakfast this morning as a final goodbye :'( but we've been planning some other adventures for the future so stay tuned babes!

I hope you liked this literal master post of my weekend. I wanted to start with a bang because you guys haven't seen me on here for forever and I truly felt terrible. But I also want you guys to know that it's unbelievably hard to balance blogging, school, work, having a boyfriend, and still maintaining a social life. I'm trying the best that I can and I want to thank you guys for sticking with me. Hopefully I'll be able to photograph more this week/maybe record a video or something exciting. Just stick with me babes. It means the world that you've stuck with me to this point <3 
