Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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2016, here we fucking come

It's going to sound corny, but I can't believe its the New Year already. I'm almost scared for it because I think that this year has been so good to me, I don't even think it's possible that it'll be even better next year. All a girl can do is hope and dream and feel it. Honestly, I think 2016 will be an amazing year for all of us. What are you wishing for?

Here are some of my favorite adventures from 2015, starting from the beginning up until now. I'll save the last one for the end ;-) Some of these pictures you might have seen before, some I've never posted. Either way, all of them hold a special place in my heart. Friends, opportunities, collaborations, my new love, fashion, traveling, birthdays, events...I can't help but look back on all of these and shed a couple tears just because of how amazing it's been.

The opportunities I've had this year make me so thankful for all of you supporting me and just for how blessed I am. Moving to Manhattan and going to college meanwhile with keeping on blogging and working part time at Free People was difficult but it was the best decision I've ever made. It's hard work, but it pays off so much. I can't believe I found a guy who is so amazing, supportive, handsome, and who feels the same way about me. He truly is the love of my life. To say that I've been to fashion week and have collaborated with brands like Free People and For Love & Lemons and even working with Cole Sprouse on a photoshoot for Brandy is way too much to handle. I dyed my hair white, then brown. I rode a horse, I learned the subway. There was a new puppy and a 1975 concert. It's unbelievable the amount that has happened. I can't thank you all enough for still sticking with me even though sometimes I can't post/get new content out. I love you all so much and thank you for that.

As far as resolutions go, I don't have any. If you want to make a change, you don't have to wait until midnight with confetti to do it. That's the beauty of life; you can change anything you want, all it takes is the right attitude.

I hope you all have an absolutely beautiful New Years Eve tonight and a wonderful New Years tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to a house party with Adam, but hopefully I'll have my outfit up somewhere! If not, feel free to scold me. :-)


5 Things I've Learned In 2015:
1. Love will come when you are confident and secure in yourself.
2. Those who are meant to be in your life are those individuals who will always keep in contact and make sure to hang out with you.
3. Family and your hometown are where the heart is. Remember to call them and let them know that.
4. Working hard will pay off, I promise.
5. Even when things feel like the end, it's never the end. Just a bad day.

naughty or nice?

Happy Holidays my loves! As everything winds down and we can finally get some time to relax and wear literally every new thing that we got for Christmas, I thought of it as a little different idea to do a 'haul' on here of the main things I got for Christmas from my parents, friends, and other family. There are also some things mixed in that I bought myself's been a rough year and sometimes we need to treat ourselves ok? 
As I went and organized through, I realized that there are two categories that everything fell into. Nice: the candles, lotions, bralettes, panties, makeup, notebooks, jewelry, and sweet stuff...and then there's the naughty: the fashion staples, the leather pants, jackets, shoes, boots...the heavy duty items that we're going to wear until they break apart next year. SO, let's start off with the nice since Cody (my pup) really seemed to like the floral, girly stuff. Oh, Cody.

Items: Pink bottles: Mario Badescu rose water spray & drying spot treatment. Brown bottle: Ahava cream. Perfumes: Diptyque Rose Perfume & Anthropologie Vanille Perfume. Circle: Rose chapstick. Deer Jewelry plate: Unknown sorry my sweets. Purple/pink bra + panties: Free People. Pink Notebook: Anthropologie. Black lace nightgown: Victoria's Secret. Nars: Orgasm bronzer + blush. Candle: Urban Outfitters #17 candle.

And now for the good stuff...the 'naughty' if you will

Items: Leather Pants: Zara. Orange Scarf: Free People. Brown Ring Bag: Free People. Silver B-Belt: Free People. Shiny boots: Zara. Leather Jacket: Urban Outfitters. Grey T-shirt: Free People. White Sweater: Abercrombie.

Yay! And with that, please tell me what you prefer more as a Christmas present.....those that are naughty or nice? I would love to hear what you guys think. Me, honestly, I can't really pick. Even though I'm so excited about that belt it might push me more towards naughty. Also, I'm in love with that Diptyque Rose perfume. Adam got that for me and I could not be happier :")

I hope you guys had amazing holiday's and tell me what your favorite gift is/what side you're picking. Love y'all so much!


Ps. I'm going to be changing the theme colors of this blog to more wintery/fall neutrals, so stay tuned for that! I'm so excited!!! No more pink!!!!!!!

nycbambi x for love and lemons

On a crisp Saturday morning, my best friend + photographer and I set out to a Brooklyn apartment located in the heart of nowhere, toting bags with shiny makeup and stuffed with For Love & Lemons pieces. I have never been so excited for a shoot before or so positive as to how it would all come out. Simple with wet hair, bronzed skin, and glowy lips. Dancing around the apartment to Indie music as Hannah snapped away with her film camera and smile. Without further ado, here is my collaboration with For Love & Lemons!

For Love & Lemons pieces: FirstGrey Sweater Dress // Second: Red Lace Dress // Third: Black "Kate" Body Suit (paired with Free People hat, Nomadic Store necklace, & High waisted jeans)
Instagram // #myfll

Photographer: Babe Hannah Lee Davis. Instagram. Website.

Location: Instagram. Website + Owner. Airbnb Listing.

I really hoped you liked these photos loves. It was all so fun to shoot and honestly it has been one of my dreams to be involved with For Love & Lemons somehow, so this opportunity is seriously one I will treasure forever. I could not be happier and feel more blessed, and it's all because of you. Also, I'm doing two giveaways on my Instagram right now, so don't forget to stop by! I want to give back to you guys as much as possible and I'm so happy I'm finally getting the opportunity to do so. I love y'all!


my november favorites

Hi all! I know it's been so long but it's been a beautiful week where I've had some free time off of class so I've been feeling refreshed, inspired, and truly happy :-) I know I don't do this often (or at all actually on this blog) so I've decided to curate together my previous monthly favorites of little accessories, trends, and plainly what I've been loving. Here's a list of my tip-toppity favorites:

1. Travel accessories / bags / travel wear

I've been traveling around quite a lot recently, but it's always been short trips; sleepover at the boyfriend's, going back home, going away for a weekend. I struggled when it came to finding the perfect 'travel' bag. I found that this Scaramanga bag was absolutely perfect for fitting an outfit, my makeup bag, and other random things like chargers, Chapstick, and my wallet (a bra would be nice too) plus it's beautiful and I seriously adore the brown, Autumn-y leather. Keep your eyes out for a giveaway coming soon ;-)

2. TrendsBandanas + High Boots + that 70s look

After I finally found some old bandana's in my mom's closet, I was too happy because bandanas/tie chokers/skinny scarves have been a huge trend this past Autumn and even hanging around for this coming winter. For the warmer days when I can show a little neck, I adore tying a bandana around it for those vintage vibes. Thigh-high boots are also a new style that everyone's getting into-mine are by Steve Madden but you can literally find them anywhere (for good prices too).
I might actually do a styling photoset of how to style high boots (cause I know it can be tricky) so if you'd like that let me know!

3. Taking care of your skin + being cozy & pretty in lingerie

After walking into & Other Stories, I got really inspired by their body and skin care. I succumbed to buying a $18 body oil because my skin gets so dry during the winter I knew it was going to be a really good idea. And, thankfully, I'm completely addicted to it. I'm going to try some other scents but after a shower nothing gets me moisturized more than their Nainsook body oil. (Pictured left) I've also always been obsessed with Lush's Lettuce facial. I keep it in the fridge and it's so cold and refreshing to put on when you're having a lazy night in with tea. With all this being said, by having my body taken care of, I've been really into buying pretty panties and lingerie and things. For Love & Lemons got me addicted. I'm seriously such a fan.

4. Being organized 

With starting my first year at college, I think it's safe to say that being organized and keeping on top of your shit is literally the hardest part about being successful and getting your work done. I've started keeping to do lists and just lists in general; what I need to get grocery shopping, what I have to pack for that trip. When my boyfriend and I went to that upstate New York getaway, I literally used a notebook to plan each and every single one of my outfits out. Call it anal, but I love it.
Notebook: An Organized Life - Diary -

5. Pinterest

Okay, I know what you guys are thinking: Pinterest is for mom's 30 years old and up. But I don't even think it's like that anymore. I'm so obsessed with Pinterest and it's truly a major source of inspiration. It's great if you're into DIY and recipes, but honestly I look at it as a virtual goal space. I love creating boards with every single little thing I love in life (bicycles, breakfast) and my photographer and I use it to create secret inspiration boards for our upcoming shoots. If you're interested, follow me on Pinterest here!

Random favorites:
Song: Anything by The Head and the Heart
Food: Nachos
Drink: Even more obsessed with cappuccinos than I ever have before. Insane?
Book: None :'( haven't gotten the chance to free time read
Instagram: @4thandbleeker
Lazy outfit: Christmas patterned pajamas, oversized sweatshirt, cozy slippers
Activity: Exploring & photographing!

Hope you liked babes! Maybe I'll start doing this every month :-) Let me know!
