Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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you & me

Hi hi hi!!! Another really good day up in here :') busy, but good. School, photographs (which I will talk more about), gym with a friend, dinner with another friend, tons of homework, editing. Those are literally my days in a nutshell. But I cannot complain!

So I came home today with a beautiful package on my bed, and I could already tell that it was way different from the usual packages I get. It was wrapped in my favorite brown paper and my mouth literally dropped after I opened it…just layers of lovely paper, pressed flowers, old photographs, ribbons, lace, and floral fabrics. The Love Parcel can be a wonderful perk to anyone’s day…and will honestly make you want to start scrapbooking. I am SO in love. Get yours here, and please don’t forget to check out their instagram :’) 

Definitely check them out!!!!! Seriously, I'm a HUGE fan. I'm on the phone with my friend right now so I'm going to go, but I was thinking about starting a Snapchat for my blog and just idk random things?! Let me know what you think!



  1. Yes! Please make a Snapchat account. And your photos are beautiful as always ♡

  2. YEEEEES I've been waiting for your snapchat! PLEASE <3
