Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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Hi loves! Happy Friday. I just wanted to make a weenie of a blogpost updating y'all on what's going on and what not. I've been sort of sick for the past two weeks (yes, weeks) so I've been taking time to not really go on that many adventures and just chill so I can actually get better. When I'm sick I don't stop, and it takes a toll on me.

On the bright side, I got a new phone (iPhone 6, silver and white) and I am still going out tonight…I'll try to have an ootd of what I'm going to wear for a night out since I don't really do those often!! I also got some new shenanigans after work today so I'll try to do something featuring those pieces. We shall see! If not, there will for sure be something new up tomorrow.

These pictures were taken yesterday when I literally wasn't doing anything but being in my bed. It was definitely a nice day. I want to do a new video (like the last one I did) but featuring a really cozy vibe like Sunday-bed, coffee, all that good stuff. We shall see :-)

That's all for me babes! Just wanted to keep you updated and make sure you know that I'm not dying and will never die. Love you.


1 comment

  1. Hope you feel better soon! These pictures are really pretty xx
    Holly x
