Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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So it's currently 11pm and I am updating from my dorm room in NYC. I'm all moved in for the most part, and I will be taking more pictures of my dorm/making a video for you guys, I promise! Once classes start I'll be figuring out my schedule and I'll have much more free time to actually take photos and do what I want :') for now, stick with me through this orientation process. As some of you may have figured by now, I am now an official college freshman at a college in NYC (which you can ask me specifically where over message)!! It's been exciting, sort of nerve-wracking, but mostly really, really thrilling.

I have a feeling I'm going to be staying up later than I have been, drinking way more coffee than I should, and probably walking the city alone more than I would have thought, but I am way too excited for it all. Classes start on Monday so that means a new schedule, completely new routine…and all these other things. Like I said, I'll keep you guys updated, but for right now it'll just be me settling in! I'm starting a goals list and the future seems so bright. I really feel like I'm in the place that I'm meant to be in. I don't even feel scared anymore. I feel ready. 

I wanted to give you guys a little somethin' somethin' cause I've been 'dead' (well for me dead) these past few days. Just understand I've been moving in, having orientation all day long, and haven't got the time to do much of anything. I promise you, give me a week or two and that'll change. For now, please send me messages & let me know what you are all up to! Where are you going to school?? Anyone else in NYC……? Love you!!!!



  1. yoo i'm going to college in Cali but one of my best friends is going to Fordham in NYC in a couple days! i hope you're having a great time there so far!!

  2. the future looks so bright for you,
    goodluck!!! x

  3. I'm moving to NYC (all the way from Ohio!) today - interning at Cosmo/Seventeen in the fall :~) good luck to you, it'd be so cool to run into you!

  4. What college are you going to? Have fun and stay safe!!!!
