Fashion & lifestyle based in New York City

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flash series

Playing around on a gloomy day with my camera turned into capturing little bits of my room, with the flash on. Yes, it makes everything look a whole lot dirtier, but I ended up loving the rawness of these photos, it was almost dream-like in a weird way.

Side table--books, perfumes, & skincare

My slightly unorganized cabinet in the bathroom.
I was doing a setup for photos, hence the purse on my side table! I truly adore it though, I actually kept it there just to admire it.
Bag by Mon Purse.
My beloved perfume collection. Yes I have a problem.
And baby's breath is my absolute favorite.

Random portion of my room.
Again, the collection. I just love how the light reflected off of the mirrored tray and all the bottles.

My dirty Gucci's. I wear them literally everywhere, and I've got caught in the rain with them, hence the 'sweat' like stains. It might be sweat too though, who knows!!

I hope you enjoyed this little peak into my space! Again, it still needs some cleaning up, but it is slowly but surely getting to where I want it to be. There's something about things being natural, and slightly raw, that I love. Flash captures so much of that. I think that Into the Gloss definitely inspired my love for this type of photography style. I would love to do a fashion/outfits series in flash. My wheels are turning...hehehe...



  1. What a cute space! love your beauty products and candle collection!


  2. I love how simple you keep everything, so carefully curated and thoughtful in every piece. Love the photos :)

    1. Wow thank you so much, this is one of the best compliments I've ever gotten about my space! Thank you!

  3. What camera do you use? These photos came out really nice!
