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interior dreams

Hi guys! I promise this is my last post talking about interiors before I can actually share what I did with my space hahaha, I know it's been so long! I just am stuck in maybe a little creative rut but I am slowly getting out of it, and, of course, going on Pinterest is helping me and providing me with the room inspiration I've been looking for. I have been browsing on Harpers Project and cannot wait to show you guys the pieces a part of our collaboration, too, which will be coming soon. As I mentioned in my latest inspirations post, I have been really getting into the mid century modern look and simplistic design approach. Of course as our styles change, our interior tastes move along with it! I do find myself still being obsessed with neutrals, woods, and marbles, which makes me feel good because that is the style I have always loved. For my new space I am thinking tons of light, white, marble surfaces, plain candles, and little plant decor (of course). I put together a little Polyvore set just to hone in on those focuses and give you guys a peep as to my thought process. Being in this small room does not let me have as much creative freedom as I want, but hopefully I can move some things around and make it work! The living room could definitely use some redecorating as well, but I plan on waiting until I have an established living space to do that. So, until then, making up my room it is! Let me know what you think!

That's just a little bit of the vibe I've been feelin'! Stay tuned for my collaboration with the Harpers Project site, can't wait to show you guys the new pieces I'll be putting in my room! Of course it will take time and you might not see the finished product for a little, but by summer I hope it is everything I have been daydreaming about. Let me know what style you've been admiring lately, I would love to hear! 


latest inspirations; spring

Around every month or so I love putting together what is inspiring me currently; whether it be in fashion, interiors, books, etc. My inspirations haven't changed that much since the last inspiration post I did, but I love how much it helps me in personally having a focus in the kind of mood I've been into lately so I decided to throw one up today! To put it simply I have been adoring...