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the little things that make me happy

I always love noticing the little details that send a comforting shiver down my spine. It baffles me sometimes that even the simplicity of lighting a candle can bring so much joy and coziness, or how cracking open a new book can make you feel instantly at home in the strangest of places. I think it is so great when we all can be comforted by these little things, since they can make us happy instantly, and once you conquer that, you'll be able to truly find beauty in things you never would have before. That's why, on this peaceful Monday, after crossing off all the things on my to-do list, I wanted to put together a post about my favorite little things. 

1. candles

This definitely comes at no surprise...but I really love lighting up a new candle with some matches and just lazing in the yummy scent it gives off. My favorite candles are from Anthropologie, specifically from their Boulangerie line, as well as Diptyque, P.F. candle co, and Bath & Body Works. They can transform any space into a romantic, cuddly type of atmosphere. Also, I got those new candle holders because I've been dying for them in rose gold and I finally snatched them up at World Market. Love the simply chicness they bring to that side table, and again, just sort of reminds you of another place in time.

2. a good book

I love the smell of books and the way they feel in your amount of technology can replace books for me. I just finished A Magnolia Story yesterday, and I absolutely loved it. It's crazy how much inspiration books can give you and teach you. I feel so much more happy, appreciative, and like I can accomplish my goals. Reading an empowering book like I just did can really leave you with pure joy and inspiration! I hope to read more soon and start a new collection in this new apartment, since I left all my old books at home. 

3. a clean closet

I love having everything clean, so when my closet is clean too, I feel like a whole new person. I love getting rid of old clothes, making way for the new, putting them in boxes to donate or sell. There's just something so rewarding about the whole process. I also love adding things to my rack and just seeing where my style is headed in that moment. It is just another little thing that inspires me so much.

4. healthy plants

There is nothing I love more than when my plants, after a couple of weeks, are still alive and thriving. I love buying new ones, taking care of them, and really learning how each watering and treatment is different for each plant so, when I'm older, I can remember them and have a really nice garden or plant collection. The greenery brings me so much happiness and it makes your space even more friendly and alive. If you're feeling down, go buy a new plant or a bouquet of flowers. Your mood will change instantly (well I can't guarantee...but I really hope!) 

5. skincare

I feel like I always mention skincare, mostly because I'm really obsessed, but also because I can't express how great it makes me feel. Just putting on moisturizer makes me feel like a better lady. I think it's because I grew up watching my mom use so many nice products and I always marveled at her collection, so I am so happy to start making my own. It's so fun trying out new products, seeing how they feel on your skin, what works. Simply getting a new hand cream makes me happy. Again, a silly, trivial thing, but that's what this post is about right?!

black friday picks

Hi guys! Usually I'm really not one to partake in the Black Friday shenanigans because I never really thought it was worth getting up in the morning and trekking into huge crowds with long lines. I already get nervous with that kind of thing, which is why I always prefer to stay home and relax! But, this year, something has changed...and honestly that's just all the online sales going on because of Black Friday. Aka, I can still do major shopping in the comforts of my bed with my laptop. Forget Cyber Monday, it has literally turned into a weekend-long event and I am definitely not complaining. Here are some of the sales I've been eyeing and taking advantage of, and just some items I've been wanting/getting inspiration from lately!

These are all the places on my list, with links!

Also this wasn't sponsored at all, just thought it'd be fun to post about the sales I'm keeping up with this weekend! I went to Anthropologie today and it was amazing. Also Kiehls, not mentioned above, is having an amazing sale ($20 off a $65 purchase) which is actually pretty good since they are expensive so it can definitely be worth it if you decide to splurge. Isn't it crazy this has become a weekend-long event? What sales are you keeping up with?

I'll definitely be posting some more content this week! This past week has been crazy with Thanksgiving and all that, and I've just been focused on being home and spending quality time with my family. It's such an amazing time of year and I love how it's only getting started.


thanksgiving outfits

Hi guys! Before this busy yet need-to-unwind weekend, I wanted to put up some Thanksgiving outfit ideas because I know it's a little bit of a struggle finding a classy, family-approved outfit that still looks cute! The rest of this week is going to fly by so I wanted to make sure I got these up before the ideas fluttered from my mind :-)

1. The Romantic
2. The Independent
3. The Creative
I really hope you found this helpful! I definitely don't know what I'm actually wearing but I am going shopping this weekend so I hope to find something new! Will definitely let you know once I do. Love you babes and Happy pre-Thanksgiving! Also, if you want to know where every detail is from, you can go to my Polyvore here!Xoxo,Christie

the beauty of classic gold rings

Hi guys! I wanted to show you the gold rings that are going to be my new staples in my little ring collection. I am a real sucker for just simple bands and not a lot of accessorizing, simple, simple, simple. I guess like the rest of my style hehe! From their new collection, the Alchemy Collection, Marva Atelier features gorgeous, gold rings that are just simple gorgeous.

From left to right: the Valentina - the Cesar - the Ivone

Go to their beautiful site here ❤︎ also, get 15% off when you use the code 'NYCBAMBI15'! Hurry before it's over :-) 

Also, in case you were wondering what I'm wearing in this post...Zara white button up & polka dot scarf, Urban Outfitters sweater

Really hope you guys liked and I will be back soon! Thanks so much for your patience with this crazy week...I'm trying to get final school assignments done before Thanksgiving break (of course all the assignments are due the days we get back) so that is what I've been up to. ❤︎  But I can't wait for the holidays, woo!


new house plants

Hi guys! So yesterday, as you can probably guess from the title of this blogpost, I bought new plants for my room/apartment! I went to Union Square Market before it is taken up by Christmas booths, and went to my favorite plant section and picked out a couple of new babies for my collection. I don't know what it is, but buying new plants literally makes me happy on the inside. I also get sick of plants easily (I know...that doesn't even make sense...but I do). I bought 3 plants and so I decided to shake up my room a little bit, re-arrange some things, and add my new plants!


I ended up getting mostly succulents, one big collection and one little guy (who I named Antonio) and that one medium-sized plant that literally looks like a bush of succulents. I'm so sorry I don't know his exact name! Honestly I don't know if he has a different name from the others. I am pretty positive they are all succulents.

I'm probably going to water them every week, or maybe less because I tend to over water my plants. I also like to leave them out in the sunlight on my window sill when the light comes in during the morning hours. Hopefully these will stick with me through the winter! I really love their colors and just how they liven my space up. 

And that's all! Today is Sunday and I'm listening to Christmas music and about to start on homework for the rest of the day. How excited is everyone for Thanksgiving and the holiday season? I'm seriously too excited. I definitely want to do a video in where I decorate my room for Christmas...but we have to wait for Thanksgiving to pass first hehe!


my current wishlist

Hi guys! So I wanted to do a little post about what I've been admiring + bookmarking this month for when I get the chance to go shopping. I've been feeling my neutral brown tones even more than usual (can you believe it) and overall just a French, detailed, simple style. Here's what is on my wish list!

-White Turtleneck (Zara)
-Beret (Asos)

You know when youc an just picture yourself in something? That's how I feel with all of these items. I feel like lace and small details is making a comeback, surprisingly for winter, which I'm super thrilled about. Even though most lace is thin, wear a matching long-sleeve underneath with a coat and once you're inside take it off and voila, you look ultra chic. Delicate necklaces against lace is so beautiful too. Also, I'm really excited for that & Other Stories bralette because I want to layer it on top of turtlenecks and me crazy?! And I feel the need to splurge on another Diptyque candle. I love using them afterwards to store things so I try to convince myself it is a justified purchase. Anyway, what is on your wish list?! Would love to know!


how to de-stress

Hi all ❤︎ I wanted to do this post because I know that we are all feeling extremely vulnerable in these insane times. It has been such a stressful, sad week and I know we can all benefit from comfort and relaxing right now. I decided to gather some tips on how to de-stress and what to do if you want to untangle and take a day for yourself. You most definitely deserve it.

When there's so much going on and when we have anxiety, we tend to neglect our bodies and we might even forget to eat or drink water. But, this ends up taking a terrible toll because when we are stressed, our body is using up even more energy. It is really important to nourish with nice foods, veggies, and water because it is when our body really needs it. Make a smoothie, have an apple, drink extra water. We need to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us and what we are neglecting in that moment. It will also make you feel better not only physically, but mentally as well. Like I talked about in my 'tips for confidence' post, it is just always so important to listen to your body and soul. Especially during a hectic time ❤︎ also other little tips to help include taking a bath, giving yourself little massages, having green tea, and taking care of your skin. 

Reading, whether it be an actual book or through social media, can really help during stressful times. Having your favorite book to take you away from the world a little is always so nice, especially in a bath or after a nice shower. Read your favorite novel, watch your favorite movie, and feel happiness. Get connected to it.  Also, though it really depends on how you feel, I know there is so much going on in social media that it might be smart to take a little break from it and focus on the little activities that give you happiness. Almost like ignorance is bliss in a way. Or, if reading social media makes you feel better, do it! It really depends on what you prefer :-) I just know that, not even during this specific time, social media can sometimes make us even more stressed. Technology is always a good thing to take our minds away from time to time. 

Take a hot shower, slip into your favorite pajamas, have some water, and snuggle into bed with your laptop or book or journal. I know this is something so simple, but feeling comfy/cozy will make your mind feel so relaxed. It is great to unwind at night like this. It will make your body feel serene too. Open your window, get a little fresh air. Clear your mind of those negative thoughts. Watch a funny show on Netflix. It'll make your heart feel much happier ❤︎


I really really hope this post helped you in de-stressing and maybe even convinced you to just take a little time away and dedicate an hour to yourself. It will really help in the long run. Also, if anyone wants to talk, please don't hesitate in sending me a message. Though I try to keep my social media politic/issue-free, just because I want this to be a nice, safe, happy environment people can come to get way from issues, doesn't mean I don't want to share my concerns or thoughts. I really do care and I would love to talk to you guys about how you're feeling. I love you all and you are all in my thoughts and in my heart.


my weekend in Boston

  Hi guys! As you all probably know by now just because of my overload of pictures (as well as the blogpost named 'packing for Boston' on here)...I went to Boston this weekend with my man, Adam, to visit one of my high school best friend's and to scratch visiting Beacon Hill off my Autumn bucket list. But let me tell you, Boston is seriously way more than that. 

There was something just so beautifully nostalgic about it all, and different from the nostalgia you feel in New York City. It was thin sidewalks with cracked red bricks, tons of vintage bikes with brown and white details, tumbling red-and-yellow leaves against old brownstones. It was literally all my wishful vibes in a nutshell.

 First off, we ended up staying in an Airbnb for our trip! It had 4 floors, a library, wonderfully classic fireplace, an antique tub, and rustic wooden floors. Here is the link just in case you wanted to book a trip and needed a cheaper yet beautiful place to stay (but only if you are familiar with Airbnb/staying with other guests).

Now, let's get into the photos of Boston! This will basically be an overload of the photos I took and will be posting in the next months on Instagram because I can't seem to let go of the beauty. All these photos were taken in either Beacon Hill (where are those brownstones are), the North End, the Commons, or elsewhere that I wouldn't even know of if it wasn't for my best friend. If you want to know where a specific photo was taken, just comment below and I will try my best to tell you exactly where!

A beautiful coffee shop you must visit. It's really busy though so plan accordingly! 

I'm sorry he is just so handsome... 

And that is it! This whole trip just ended up making me feel so inspired and happy. Again, if you want any recommendations/specific places just let me know! Hope you guys enjoyed!
